Bianca Hart

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Birthday: January 30, 1998—Aquarius

Favorite Color: Moss Green

Likes: Playing music, spring, ocean breezes, lilies, making jewelry, writing poems and songs.

Dislikes: Making friends (she’s just going to have to move away again, anyway).

Order at Fleetwood Macchiato: Earl Grey tea and Bring Me an Angel Food Cake.

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Bianca is the new girl at Silent Pines High School and no one really knows what her deal is yet. She seems quiet, timid, and even kind of frightened of everything. But then they catch a glimpse of her in Orchestra playing the cello and it’s like looking at an entirely different person. Maybe she just has the new-kid nerves.

Maybe there’s more to Bianca than anyone could realize.

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Bianca is sixteen and a junior. Her grades are average and she has no trouble in most of her classes. Biology seems to be the one exception. Her primary instrument in Orchestra is the cello, though she seems to have an aptitude for picking up just about anything with strings.

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Her mom is Stephanie Hart, an Alabama beauty queen turned entrepreneur who now runs her own online business selling Jesus-themed fashion accessories. Stephanie is a born-again Christian, both gorgeous and smart, with expectations that are unbelievable. Bianca’s father is Richard Hart, a high school football star and Stephanie’s sweetheart. When his college-pro football career failed he fell back on running his own business as well; Bianca still really isn’t sure what it is.


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