Leo Lanier

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Birthday: Fuck. You.

Favorite Color: Black

Likes: Music (especially rock and anything loud), his Mustang, greasy food, leather, being a jackass, dancing, flirting, research, astronomy, adrenaline rushes, brunettes.

Dislikes: Teenagers, vampire romance, cats, stupid people, witches, fire, talking about feelings, Silent Pines High School.

Order at Fleetwood Macchiato: Black coffee and whatever looks good that day.

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Leo is Michael Hightower’s cousin and came with him to Silent Pines to look for their missing friends. He’s kind of a sarcastic, snarky asshole, but he seems like he at least knows how to have fun. Leo is a pragmatist, but can border on the pessimistic side when it comes down to it. He loves to tease and flirt but can spin straight back around to deadly serious on a dime.

He tends to bottle things up and has trouble being direct about his own feelings, despite how blunt he is when it comes to everyone else. He’ll talk and talk forever but rarely ever about anything personal. Sometimes it’s a real pain to figure out what he’s thinking.

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Leo and Angela Mercy hit it off immediately, but he had a more rocky start with Julian Hollinger. The two butt heads and bicker and generally can’t seem to leave each other alone.

Meanwhile, Leo’s closest friend might at first glance appear to be his cousin Michael, but there’s something off with the two of them. There’s a bitter sort of anger lurking there, and neither of them are forthcoming about the reasons.

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Leo is the last remaining member of the Lanier family, one of the “Big Six” who founded Silent Pines. There hadn’t been any Laniers in town in over a hundred years, until he returned. As with many things about himself and his past, Leo doesn’t bring his family up.


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