1997: Last Dream

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Read after Blood Moon 004.

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Point of View: Sandra
Featured Characters: Jeremy Hollinger, Sandra Hollinger
Word Count: 836

Sandra has a strange vision and Jeremy’s reaction is priceless.

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Sandra found herself standing somewhere in the middle of the wood. At least it seemed like the wood. The trees were taller, with their bark bleached white, and there was a thick misting of fog crawling over the forest floor. Out of the corner of her eyes she could’ve sworn she saw the darting of shadows, but when she turned nothing was there.

Until she nearly stumbled over a little girl in a silky black dress. She didn’t look more than four or five, with ebony hair and eyes that couldn’t decide if they were more golden brown or green. There was something strangely familiar about her, but Sandra had never seen her before.

Sandra knelt down in front of the child. “What are you doing out here all alone? Are you lost?”

The little girl shook her head softly.

“I see.” Sandra responded. “Where are your parents?”

“I don’t know them yet.” she answered almost in a whisper. Her head tilted to the side as a perplexed look crossed her features. “Do you want to have a baby?” she asked suddenly.

Sandra blinked and laughed. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve tried but the doctors say it’s not possible. I am getting a little too old for it now. But that’s alright, I’m still happy.”

“I wasn’t ready yet.” explained the little girl, her mouth turning downwards in a guilty frown. “Do you still want me?”

Sandra’s eyes went wide. “Of course I do. Sweet baby, being a mother is my one last dream. If I could be your mother, I’d have everything I ever wished for.”

The girl thought this over before she finally nodded. Her expression strangely serious for someone so young. “Okay. You can be my mommy.”

Smiling, the older woman held out her hand for the girl. “Let me take you home.”

“Sandy! Sandra, you’re on the floor.”

Sandra groaned under her breath, her eyes fluttering open to see a pair of hazel ones staring down at her with concern. If one didn’t know Jeremy Hollinger, they wouldn’t have been able to catch that flash of worry in his gaze. They’d only notice the way he was so obviously pointing out she was sprawled across the kitchen floor as if it was dreadfully inconvenient for his wife to be unconscious and not making his morning coffee.

“Oh dear. Your mother wasn’t kidding about you Hollingers entering the world with a bang. I thought she was making a dirty innuendo!”

Jeremy scowled, grasping her elbows firmly and helping her to her feet. His hands didn’t leave her until he was sure she wasn’t going to topple. “Sandy, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Are you all right?”

Sandra brushed invisible bits of dust from her clothes, moving back to the kitchen counter to resume what she was doing. “I’m just a little surprised is all. I’m going to have to make an appointment with my doctor, though. A pregnancy at this age is bound to-”

“A what.” His voice was so deadpan, Sandra had to stop mid pour of her tea.

“Pregnancy? I’m fairly certain I’m pregnant, I mean, she told me she was ready now and I could be her mommy.” If this happened to her twenty years ago when she first met the man, Sandra would have been stunned and bewildered. But Sandra had been a part of the Hollinger family long enough that their strange psychic peculiarities no longer phased her. She’d never had visions herself before, but her future child telling her that she was ready to exist made perfect sense. Hollingers never did things the normal way, why would a child be any different.

Jeremy Hollinger did not seem to share her lack of surprise. In fact the man looked as if HE were about to pass out. Pale as a ghost, he wandered to the kitchen table to grab his keys and then roved towards the kitchen exit.

“Jeremy! Where are you going?”

“Paint. I need to get paint, Sandra. And penguins.”

“…paint and penguins?”

He ran his fingers through his hair, looking completely exasperated. “She needs a room. The room is going to need fresh paint. And little girls like penguins, don’t they? Everyone gives their kid bears, but she should have something more unique and special. Penguins are special. …Or are penguins the thing people think are special, but everyone has those too? Maybe I should get her kiwis. Most people don’t even know what kiwis are. I just don’t want my kid to get stuck with bears.”

Sandra stared at him, her eyes wide and stunned until finally she just burst in to laughter. The man was freaking out and it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen.

“How about I make my appointment to see if I really am pregnant, and then we’ll see about the rest.”

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